Monday, 6 August 2012

Transaction SM50

To monitor the status of all the work processes in the SAP system, this is used. This lists all the work process with their type, current status, and program, user id, action being performed at that point of time. This is always dynamic and a good screen view is to have work processes free (waiting) so that any call by a user can be taken up immediately without any delay in response time.
In case a work process is stuck then we cancel the work process job selecting – Process>Cancel without core. In case the work process is stopped after an error in one of the job it was executing, then Restart it choosing – Process> Restart after error >Yes so that the work process is available for the users.

Active application servers and screen shots

Transaction SM51

In this transaction, we can monitor the sap system instance whether it is active and the various types of work processes are configured on the system. The Server name is made of Hostname+SAPSID+system number

Monday, 7 May 2012


Types of database backups:

Online backup:System should be up(System is ON)
Offline backup:System should be low(System is OFF)
Redo logs backup-Minor changes will be noted(for instance update backup)

Monitor the Backup:
Using Tcodes:

/n DB12—used to monitor to backup

Check for Logon Load Balancing:
Using Tcodes:
/n SMLG—it shows instance of application server,we need to check wheather they are active .

Check Avg response time:
Using Tcodes:
/n ST03N----to check back ground response time for the requests time,Dialog response time.

To be Continued....


Daily health checks(Daily Works of SAP Basis Consultant):We work Using TCODES (Transactional Codes)

Active application srevers:
           This is to check the wheather the servers are active or not,this application servers consists of all work process(Dialog,Background,spool,update1,update2).Server status.Active(green),Red(problem).Most of the work process should be waiting,Basis people will decide No of work process In application server based on the formula.
Using Tcodes:
/n SM51..shows the application servers
/n SM50..shows the work process

Message Server: it is between application servers between the same system.
Gate way server: it is between application sever and other external system

Check for system logs:
Logs  are the problems and warnings that occur in the system,path to followed to see the logs is in tab go to system logàchoose-àall remote system logs then click ReRead system log,then we can see the logs.Green—Gud,Yellow—warnings,Red—problems.
Using Tcodes:

/n SM21 to display the logs
RFC-Remote Functional Calls:

Using Tcodes:
/n SM59---to check wheather the RFC are correct or not.
Check for ABAP Dumps:
These contails exceptions.
Using Tcodes:

/n ST22 is used to see the dumps.dumps or errors—only –ve side,errors related to database also will be displayed.
/o-----for a new window
/n-----for overide a window
Max of six windows can be opened.

Check for lock entries:
Shows the locks on the tables,will be helpful when a person or user locking the table unnecessaryly,by selecting user and click delete to remove lock.
Using Tcodes:
/n SM12---is tcode for checking the lock entries.

Two types of locks:Shared locks and Exclusive locks
BackGround jobs:
Types of status of bck jobs:
Scheduled---defining a particular job and the job cannot run untill released,we can change untill it is scheduled and but not going to release.
Ready—Particular job starting time.
Finished—after finishing
Active State—when job is running

Using Tcodes:
/n SM36----To create the a Background Job.
/n SM37----To check the status of Background jobs.

Types of Background jobs:
Abap programs,External command,External programs

Check for database growth:
Checks the space occupied by users,we can see the DB Name,DB Sever name(host name of application Server).
Using Tcodes:
/n DB02—checks the database growth
Core files will be removed first to free space in db OR BR tool are used to free the database which are needed to be delete.
/n ST02—This also used for showing the amount of memory used.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


SAP R/3- ERP Application is for Integrating and managing business process.Ex:Managing h/w resources,s/w resources and others,Manages Company info & controls companys business process.

How Sap process Requests:
Three Layers of SAP:

1.Presentation Layer
2.Application Layer
3.Database Layer
 Presentation Layer: User interacts with T-codes .

*we need reports,we give id,we get the reports.we can specify product details and get details.

Two types of INTERFACES(users):

*SAP GUI-for .exe

Application Layer: Excutes the user requests.
Its has two components-

1.Work Process.

Work Process : Program to perform specific task,task like any logical operation,Application layer uses work process.To generate report we had to print for that we need spool and dialog work process.

Dispatcher: It manages work process,Checks what type of requests sent and what types work process are available.Store them in request queue

Types of Work Process:

Dialog Work Process: Interactive process,It send requests to database and gives response to users.

Background Work Process: Excutes ABAP programs in R/3,Non Interactive process.

Enqueue Work Process: It manages simultaneously database by mulitple application servers.

Message: It facilitates transfer of data and internal message between various application servers.

Spool Work Process:It manages printing requests,it contains information about printers and formats.

Update Work Process : It is responsible for updating database,it is receives and updates requests generated by Dialog and Background work process.

Gateway: It facilitates communication among R2 and R3 system and external application.It is used for large amount of data

Database Layer: This layer stores system data  and new data(user input to SAP GUI) and provides to data to application layer when requested.